Friday, April 23, 2010

Summer Events With Buckbean

The following is a list of events in the next couple of months Buckbean will be a part of.
This is not our full calendar for the next few months, but a good idea of where folks outside of the Reno area can drink our beer and chat with an expert about the company.

Date Event City
24-Apr SF International Beer Festival- San Francisco
27-Apr UC Berkeley MBA Haas School of Business- Berkeley
30-Apr Celebrity Chef Challenge- Sacramento
1-May UC Berkeley City Planning Students- Berkeley
1-May Bay Area Beverage Beer Fest- Oakland
1-May Save Angel Island Wine & Beer Fest- Angel Island
8-May Boonville Beer Fest- Boonville
16-May Bay to Breakers- San Francisco
21-May Giants Vs. A's Tailgate Fiesta- Oakland
29-May CA Festival of Brewers- Pismo Beach
5-Jun Monterey Beer Fest- Monterrey
12-Jun Auburn Beer Fest- Auburn
26-Jun Walk In the Wild- Oakland
17-Jul Breast Fest- San Francisco
24-Jul Music in the Mountains- Grass Valley

If you're in the area of any of these events during the posted dates then mark your calendars and come have a beer with us!

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